51 BIRD MEETING, WALTON-ON-THE-NAZE, 23TH SEPTEMBER, 1986 This was another very quiet meeting. A passage of Starlings, 350-400, (feeding voraciously on Elder), Linnets, 200-250, and Meadow Pipits, 80-100, were not very noteworthy. By the E.N.T. Reserve were three Wheatears and a Whinchat. The brackish water opposite the Reserve, over the sea-wall, was, for the first time in the writer's experience, wader-less. At the tide line, 100+ Sanderling scurried up and down the beach, avoiding the numerous dogs. 25-30 Turnstones and a handful of Oystercatchers completed the wader picture, apart from a single Snipe put up from the John Weston Reserve. 41 Species only were recorded, including both Whitethroats and Great Spotted wood- pecker. MARTIN HENRY IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM THE MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY The Membership Secretary would like to thank those members who have responded to reminders for subscriptions, and amendments to Bankers' Orders. It may interest Members to learn that over £30 was spent in sending out reminders. There are still over 30 Bankers'