56 LETS GET HAVERING WAVERING Rainham Marsh is an area of old grazing marsh in the South of the London Borough of Havering. The marsh complex of which it forms approximately the southern quarter also includes Wennington and Avely marshes, the whole of which is presently to be declared a site of Special Scientific Interest by the Nature Conservancy Council. Rainnam Marsh is listed as a site of international importance for its wintering Teal population. Short Eared Owls are present in good numbers and the site also contains a large proportion of the breeding Stonechats of Essex. Plants recorded, include Puccinellia rupestris arid Ranunculus baudotii. Because of Havering Borough Council's desire to develop 230 acres for industrial use the marsh is now subject to a planning enquiry. Conservationists and other local people are in the process of organizing themselves to defend the marshed. Once gone they are gone forever. Of the 11,749 hectares of coastal grassland in Essex existing in 1938 only 2,080 hectares survived through to 1981, a decrease of 83%. Havering Council will argue that they need to develop the site in the nope of providing much needed jobs. Jobs are needed but the defenders of the marsh will argue that Havering contains many acres of derelict factory sites and thousands and thousands of square feet of empty factories. Jobs should be created there and not in such a valuable and irreplaceable green site. The public enquiry into the future of the site is to be held in 1987. It is vital that all naturalists and especially those living in Havering make their opinions known, preferably by writing to their local councillors. Havering is a "hung council" administered at present by a coalition of Conservatives and Ratepayers. Pressure can be applied. We cannot afford to sit back and watch our countryside disappear or in years to come we may have to remove the word field from the Essex Field Club. The time for compromise has gone, gone with the 83% of our coastal marshes which have already-been lost for ever. Pight for the 17%. For further information including lists of local councillors names and addresses, contact : D.A.SHITH. INGREBOURNE 75555.