1 SPRING 1987 NUMBER 35 EDITORIAL The new year brings a new President and we welcome Mr. John Dobson to take over the job from Col. A. M. Emmet. We would like to thank Col. Emmet for his work during the last two years and hope that Mr. Dobson will enjoy his presidency. We would also like to thank Mrs. Maureen Tollfree for her efforts as Meetings Secretary and welcome Mrs. Fiona Hughes who has volunteered to take over from her . We hope that the next three years will be one of expansion for the Club. We shall be publishing the next Naturalist on "The Dragonflies of Essex" in the near future. This will be an expensive task and so we need as many new members as we can get. So please play YOUR part and try to RECRUIT A NEW MEMBER with the membership form enclosed, and send it to Mr. M. Parker, the Membership Secretary, with the necessary subscription. So far this year attendances have been good with a turn-out of over fifty for the first of the Four Seasons Project Meetings. We hope this trend will continue in the future. My thanks to all the contributors and to Joanna Foley for the cover and grasshopper illustrations, and also to Sheila Leswell for doing the typing.