11 Size Male 130 - 145 mm Female 135 - 155 mm This newt prefers lowland clay ponds in Essex and often small pools or craters will yield many newts. The Smooth Newt or Common Newt is the most common newt countywide and will be found in any suitable water. The breeding male has a crest running along the whole length of its tail and body. The female has no crest but a low ridge of skin along the back at all times. The tail is longer than head and body and the throat is spotted. (The Palmate Newt female is unspotted.) The male is blue grey in colour, heavily spotted and pale orange/yellow underside. The females are pale or medium brown above with pale yellow underside. Size Both sexes 80 - 90 mm The Palmate Newt is the smallest of the three species and prefers upland areas. It is the most common newt in Epping Forest. The breeding male has webbed hind feet and the tail ends in a filament (4-7 mm). In colour the male is light or dark olive green above, speckled with dark green. The belly is pale orange or golden and sparsely spotted. The throat is pure white with a pinkish tinge. The female is more brown than the male above, but the belly is similar although with less spots or none at all. Size Male 80 - 83 mm Female 85 - 88 mm I have very few records of Palmate Newts in Essex and would appreciate some new ones - upland areas seem the most likely. Indeed, I should like any newt records and should there be any difficulties in