21 there was little left for him to discover. However, he was a prolific writer, contributing over 400 papers to the journals. Many of them are concerned with Essex, perhaps the most important being "A survey of Essex Lepidoptera in the past fifty years" which was printed in the Essex Naturalist for 1956. His entomological writing, though useful, tends to be too generalised to be readily quotable. He will be better remembered for his work on a national scale. He provided B. P. Beirne with much of his information on the early stages for his book British pyralid and plume moths, a debt which he justifiably felt had never adequately been acknowledged. He paid 36 visits to the south-west of Ireland and was an authority on Irish Lepidoptera, naming new subspecies of both butterfly and moth. COL. A. M. EMMET NEWS ITEMS 1. The Occurrence of Amber Resin in the British Isles Helen Fraquet, F.G.A., is conducting an amber survey all along the East Coast. She would be very grateful to know if any members have found amber locally. If so, please contact her at:- 27 Belitha Villas, London, N1 1PE. 2. Volunteer Reserve Wardens Resident wardens are required at Colne Point Nature Reserve, owned by the Essex Naturalists' Trust. If