22 interested, please contact:- John and June Orth, Colne Point Wardens, Charnwood, Oakmead Road, St. Osyth, Essex, CO16 8NN. Tel, (0255) 821188 If 'phoning and no answer, please try wardens' hut:- tel. (0255) 820855. 3. Botanical Society of the British Isles (BSBI) Monitoring Scheme Remember that monumental Atlas of the British Flora published in 1962 with 10 km. sq. dot maps of every plant in Britain? Well, the BSBI is now attempting a repeat performance on a somewhat less grand scale. Every third 10 km. sq. and three of its tetrads are to be species recorded during 1987 and 1988. If you would like to help, please contact Ken Adams on 01-508 7863 now for details. 4. Essex Naturalists (New Series) FOR SALE From Essex Field Club (Publications), c/o Passmore Edwards Museum, Romford Road, London, E15 4LZ. No. 1. Deer of Essex £2.00 by Dr. Donald Chapman No. 3. Tiptree Heath £0.60 by Laurie Forsyth