23 No. 4. The Wildlife of Epping Forest £1.50 Edited by Dr. David Corke No. 5. The Essex Field Club - The First £1.00 100 Years by L. S. Harley No. 6. The Smaller Moths of Essex £7.00 by A. M. Emmet No. 7. Lords Bushes £3.00 by M. W. Hanson No. 8. The Larger Moths and Butterflies £9.00 of Essex by A. M. Emmet and G. A. Pyman Also available The Clay Tobacco Pipe in Britain £2.50 by L. S. Harley A Short History of The Essex Field Club £1.00 1880 - 1930 by Percy Thompson Back numbers of most of the Bulletins are available at 50p each, plus postage and packing from the Editor. CHANGING THE "FACE" OF CONSERVATION(ISTS) As Field Club members interested or specialising in a wide variety of subjects from small moths to dinosaurs, on occasions you are probably faced with looks of incredulity or disbelief when talking to the more unfortunate members of society who have yet to experience the fascinations of nature; indeed, some may even laugh in your face. It is only with time that people may begin to take you seriously and ask "What's that bird/ moth/fossil?" and then - if you are lucky - you may spark off an interest which will last them a lifetime.