26 notified an exceptional number of significant occurrences over two seasons, despite the generally poor weather conditions. A selection of these records follows: where necessary they have been vetted by the Essex Lepidoptera Panel. The vast majority relate to the period since the systematic list in LMBE went to press, but there are a few for earlier years. In conformity with the practice adopted for LMBE, each record is prefaced by the 10 km. grid square concerned. A list of those recorders whose initials appear below will be found at the end. NR = Nature Reserve. PRIMITIVE MOTHS COSSIDAE Cossus cossus (Linn.) Goat Moth As this species has been exceedingly scarce for some years it is pleasing to note that it appeared at 90 Bradwell in 1984 (SFJD) and 1986 (AJD) and at 70 Danbury Ridge in 1986 (SW). LIMACODIDAE Apoda limacodes (Hufn.) The Festoon 92 Roman River Valley NR, 1986 (AP). Heterogenea asella (D. & S.) The Triangle One in NE Essex woodland, 14 July, 1986, the first Essex record this century. Precise location and recorder's name withheld. SESIIDAE Sesia bembeciformis (Hb.) Lunar Hornet Moth 92 Friday Wood, 1986 (BG).