27 Bembecia scopigera (Scop.) Six-belted Clearwing Ol Fingringhoe Wick NR, July 1986 (LH, confirmed JF), the first Essex record since the 1960's. BUTTERFLIES PAPILIONIDAE Papilio machaon (Linn.) The Swallowtail 38 Walthamstow, July 1984 (Plant, 1986). We can only speculate on the origin of this individual, especially as it is not known whether it belonged to the continental race bigeneratus Verity. LYCAENIDAE Callophrys rubi (Linn.) Green Hairstreak 79 Shotgate Thickets NR, 1986 (PG), the first modern record of this now very localised species from this square. Aricia agestis (D. & S.) Brown Argus Recorded in 1986 in squares 89,99,09 and 11. As this now localised species had not previously been found in any of the four sites involved, three of them well recorded, it is possible that it is in the process of recovering lost ground. NYMPHALIDAE Ladoga camilla (Linn.) White Admiral 11 Riddles Wood, established (RWA). This wood is c.10 miles SW of the Stour estuary woods, hitherto the only locality in which this species was known still to be established. Nymphalis polychloros (Linn.) Large Tortoiseshell 48 Wanstead Park, 14 July, 1985 (Plant, 1985). Nymphalis antiopa (Linn.) Camberwell Beauty 92 Friday Wood, 23 July 1985 (BG); 02 Ardleigh, 2, 31 August 1986 (AP); 11 Clacton, 10 July 1986 (IB);