28 21 Holland, 8,10 and 12 July 1985 (Bretherton & Chalmers-Hunt, 1986). Argynnis paphia (Linn.) Silver-washed Fritillary 69 Thorndon Park, August 1984 (KWG). This sighting brings to four the number of paphia individuals recorded in Essex in the past decade. Melitaea didyma Esp. Spotted Fritillary 78 Fobbing Marshes, 6, 6th August 1986 (per CHSH). This remarkable record represents the second British occur- rence (the first being regarded as suspect) of this small fritillary which, on the continent, extends northwards to Belgium. The "colony" was discovered by two school- boys who collected two of the insects and gave them to CHSH (their biology master). In view of the remoteness and unsuitable nature of the site it is felt unlikely that the insects had been released there. The possi- bility that they were the progeny of an impregnated female blown across the North Sea cannot be discounted, but it is perhaps more likely that their parent had arrived on a tanker (the Mobil oil terminal is only 11/2 miles away) or other vessel berthing on Thames-side. Mellicta athalia (Rott.) Heath Fritillary The recent introduction of this species to an Essex Naturalists' Trust nature reserve mentioned in LMBE, has proved successful to date, well over 1,000 adults having flown in 1986 (GAP et al.). SATYRIDAE Pararge aegeria (Linn.) Speckled Wood Since the publication of LMBE, this species has continued to extend its range northwards. In 1986 it was reported from 63 West Wood NR (BW) on the W side and 83 Daws Hall NR (IG) in the extreme N. Melanargia galathea (Linn.) Marbled White A quite exceptional 20+ were counted (by DGD) at one of this species' few sites in SE Essex (to which it is confined), where management now takes account of wild- life needs.