31 Euchoeca nebulata (Scop.) Dingy Shell 11 Riddles Wood, 2, 1986 (RWA). Abraxas sylvata (Scop.) Clouded Magpie 90 Bradwell, 1985-86 (AJD); Ol Fingringhoe Wick NR, 1986 (MEA, PS); 13 Stour Wood NR, 2, 1986 (MEA). Semiothisa alternaria (Hb.) Sharp-angled Peacock 70 Danbury Ridge, 1985 (SW); 92 Friday Wood, 2, 1985 (BG); 11 St Osyth, 2, 1986 (RWA); 13 Stour Wood NR, 1985 (MEA). The first two are the only Essex records away from the coastal fringe, although neither locality is far from an estuary. Boarmia roboraria (D. & S.) Great Oak Beauty Prior to the following there had been only two post- war records, of singletons. 49 Epping Forest (a traditional pre-war locality), 8, 1985 (TWG); 70 Danbury Ridge, 1986 (SW), the first record for E-central Essex. Ematurga atomaria (Linn.) Common Heath 49 Epping Forest, "very large" colony, 1985 (TWG). Since 1951 there had been only two records, of singletons, one of them from Epping Forest in 1973 (see LMBE). It is a matter for speculation whether this colony was recently formed or had existed undetected for many years. NOTODONTIDAE Peridea anceps (Goeze) Great Prominent 11 Riddles Wood, 2, 1986 (RWA). Drymonia dodonaea (D. & S.) Marbled Brown 50 Ongar, 1986 (JB, BW); 60 Galleywood, 1986 (TP); 70 Danbury Ridge, 1986 (SW), the first record for E-central Essex; 11 Riddles Wood, established (RWA).