34 Anaplectoides prasina (D. & S.) Green Arches 53 Saffron Walden, 1986 (AME); 90 Bradwell, 2, 1986 (AJD). Mythimna albipuncta (D. & S.) White Point 90 Bradwell, 1986 (AJD). Mythimna pudorina (D. & S.) Striped Wainscot 49 Epping Forest, large colony, probably feeding on Molinia, 1985 (TWG). Previously the species had been regarded as extremely scarce, as well as very local, in Essex. This hitherto unrecorded colony may well be the source of the records from 49 Theydon Bois again in 1985 (12) and 1986 (TWG). Mythimna favicolor (Barr.) Mathew's Wainscot 91 Old Hall Marsh NR, 1986 (BG); 00 Tillingham marshes, plentiful, 1986 (AJD, SFJD). Mythimna obsoleta (Hb). Obscure Wainscot 53 Saffron Walden, 1986 (AME). Previously recorded in NW Essex only from square 54 (in the 1960's). Cucullia absinthii (Linn.) The Wormwood 11 St Osyth, 1985 (RWA), the first record for NE Essex. Aporophyla nigra (Haw.) Black Rustic 67 East Tilbury, 3, late September 1985 (CH); Grays, 22 September and 11 October 1985 (DJLA). These occurrences more than double the number of Essex records, all but one from Thames-side. Lithophane leautieri (Boisd.) Blair's Shoulder-knot This recent colonist continues to increase and spread, newly occupied squares notified in 1986 being 49,50, 60, 72, 80 02 and 12. Xylena vetusta (Hb.) Red Sword-grass 90 Bradwell, 1984 (AJD).