38 J. Brett Colchester Natural History Society A. J. Dewick S. F. J. Dewick D. G. Down Lt.-Col. A. M. Emmet J. Firmin P. Giddings B. Goodey Major I. Grahame T. W. Green K. W. Grimwood C. Harding C. H. S. Hodder Miss L. Hooper A. Pearson Mrs. T. Potter G. A. Pyman B. Skinner P. Smith P. J. Wanstall D. Warner B. Wingar B. Wood S. Wood. G. A. PYMAN ORNITHOLOGICAL RECORDS, 1986 The following records have been received since the last Bulletin No. 34. A further batch of records has been received and those that are of interest are listed. Correction 17.5.1986 - The record Garden Warbler should read Grasshopper Warbler. This makes the record all the more interesting. January, 1986 20.1.86 Colne Point N.R. Snow Bunting (20+) MF 26.1.86 East Tilbury Avocet (10) MF February, 1986 2.2.86 Mersea Red Breasted SDW Goose RRN March, 1986 7.3.86 Mersea Scaup (23+) SDW RRN 8.3.86 Abberton Smew SDW Reservoir RRN 16.3.86 Hanningfield Water Rail SDW Reservoir RRN 22.3.86 Mersea Goldeneye SDW RRN