41 If members have any records for 1987 please send them so that they can be published. M. T. PARKER SECRETARY'S REPORT FOR 1986 The Council of The Essex Field Club met four times during 1986. At the end of the year membership had fallen to 292, 30 names having been removed from the list because of resignation or because no subscription had been received. Eleven new members had joined. On the 8th March, 1986, at the Annual General Meeting, Col. A. M. Emmet was re-elected President and gave his Presidential Address entitled "Unusual Life Histories of Microlepidoptera". Mr. M. Hanson was elected Editor of The Naturalist and Mr. A. Bunker, Mr. 0. Keen and Mr. D. Smith as Ordinary Members of Council. During the year 40 meetings were arranged. Three of the 11 General Meetings were indoor talks. Mr. Ted Benton told us about the Dragonflies of Essex, Miss P. Wilkinson about Recent Archaeological Work at the Passmore Edwards Museum and Miss F. Talbot about Geology at the same Museum. The outdoor meetings included walks in Epping Forest and at Danbury, examining Diptera at Hales Wood Nature Reserve, moth trapping at Bradwell, identifying trees at Syon Park, searching for grasshoppers and crickets at Colliers Hatch and the annual fungus foray in Epping Forest. The Ornithology Group held 12 meetings throughout the county, including listening to the dawn chorus and the close down chorus in June. Eight meetings were arranged by the Botany Group, one of these concentrating on mosses and liverworts and another on Hieraciums.