1 AUTUMN 1987 NUMBER 36 EDITORIAL This edition is the first one to be produced on our new computer, an Amstrad PC1512, which has been purchased to cut down the cost of type- setting future Essex Naturalists. The next number on Dragonflies is now well underway and should reach you in the new year. The computer should also make production of the Bulletin easier and help with addressing envelopes. If you have still not recruited a new member, then do keep trying, because the more members we have the lower we can keep the subscription. I would like to thank all the contributors who have responded to my requests for articles. Once again Joanna Foley has produced a splendid cover. Thanks also to Sheila Leswell for doing the typing. Please let me have copy for the next edition by 1st May, 19SB. TONY BONIFACE ISSN 0264-6730