17 Please help wake up the people who manage the churchyards near you so that they don't let this opportunity slip by. The convenor is Revd. Nigel Cooper, c/o Diocesan Council for Social Responsibility, Buy Harl ings, 53 New Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1NG. BOTANICAL DATING The technique of dating hedgerows (1) from the simple formula Age of Hedge = Number of Species per 30 yards x 100 was tried out on hedges in the River Roding Nature Reserve by members of the Essex Field Club on 7th June, 1987. The results indicated that we examined two different aged hedges. The older one was aged at 900 years and the other one was much younger. The significance of this method has recently been questioned (2) on the following grounds:— 1. Problems of identification 2. Difficulties over what species to include 3. Lack of evidence from historical sources