19 Dog Rose Dogwood Elder Elm Field Maple Gorse Guelder Rose Hawthorn Hazel Holly Hornbeam Lime Oak Privet Sallow Spindle Sycamore Wayfaring Tree Climbers such as blackberry were not included. Immediately it becomes evident that the species criticism was well justified. This apparent list of 25 species could be significantly increased by including more than one species of rose, elm, hawthorn, lime, oak and willow. Problems of identification result from differing degrees of expertise in identifi- cation of plants such as roses and willows. After attempting the exercise I must admit that the recent criticisms of the method were very convincing. Organising this meeting for the Field Club fired an interest in other attempts to quantify dating by botanical methods. Woodlands of south-east Essex can apparently be compared in age by adding together the indicator values of