20 certain species taking into account the area of the wood (3). Species Indicator Affinity with Value Ancient Woodland Woodland Hawthorn (.C. laevigata) 4 Very strong Service Tree 4 Sweet Woodruff 4 Luzula pilosa 4 Luzula sylvatica 4 Sessile Oak 3 Strong Wood Anemone 3 Carex pendula 3 Broad Helleborine 3 Wood Spurge 3 Yellow Archangel 3 Common Cow Wheat 3 Wood Melick 3 Wood Millet 3 Wood Sorrel 3 Great Butterfly Orchid 3 Butcher's Broom 3 Carex remota 2 Moderate Bluebell 2 Hypericum hirsutum 2 Yellow Pimpernel 2 Dog's Mercury 2 Three-Nerved Sandwort 2 Bird's Nest Orchid 2 Early Purple Orchid 2 Spindle 1 Weak Primrose i Ranunculus auricomus 1 Viola reichenbachiana i