Dryopteris borreri 2 Wood Forget—me—not (often introduced) 2 Adder's Tongue 2 Orpine 2 Wood Horsetail 1 Opposite—Leaved Golden Saxifrage 1 Ramsons 1 Calamagrostis canescens 1 Wild Daffodil 1 I hope that this will help botanists to gain a more accurate measure of the affinity of a wood to an ancient woodland in Essex and to publicise Oliver Rackham's own publications which are sometimes difficult to acquire. References (1) Pollard, E. , Hooper, M.D. and Moore, N.W. Hedges. Collins. 1974 (2) Muir, R. and Muir, N. Hedgerows. Their History and Wildlife. Michael Joseph. 1987 (3) Rackham, O. The Woods of South-East Essex. Rochford District Council. 1986 (4) Rackham, O. Ancient Woodland: Its History, Vegetation and Uses in Enaland. Edward Arnold. 1980 TONY BONIFACE