25 Water birds are mostly affected by ice rather than snow. Freshwater freezes from the top, and during windy periods it may take longer. Ducks sometimes stir up the water so that a small patch may be left unfrozen. Shallow waters such as found on marshes freeze quickly, and birds such as Bitterns and Herons could soon be in difficulty: also waders could find it difficult to feed. We can all help garden birds in various ways — by providing nest boxes, by putting out food and, just as important, water. Water is essential for birds so that their plumage is kept in order. Without our help many birds would not be able to survive severe winter spells. M. T. PARKER SOME ADDITIONAL ORNITHOLOGICAL RECORDS FOR 1987 1. Mr. John Plant beat the record for date of arrival of Swallows by one day. He saw 2 Swallows over the ornamental water on Wanstead Park on 11.4.1987. He also informs us that Great Crested Grebes have bred on Heronry Pond, Wanstead Park. In the past nesting has not been so successful. 2. Mr. J. Friedlein reported Whimbrels at North Fambridge on 8th and 12th July. 3. Nightingales. There were no reports of Nightingales in the Mill Green area this