29 subscriptions. There are still 30 Bankers' Orders at incorrect rate's. These should be amended so that the correct amount comes into effect on 1st January, 1988. Please amend your order to either £7.50 or £8.50. M. T. PARKER NEW MEMBERS 1987 The following members have joined the Club this year. We hope that they will all have many happy and rewarding years with us. Mr. J. Houghton Walthamstow Mr. & Mrs. J. Hurst Brentwood Mr. R. Jopson Maldon Mr. & Mrs. C. Minter Horndon-on-Hill Mr. R. M. Potter Doddinghurst Mr. R. B. Price Southend Mr. R. Ruffell Colchester M. T. PARKER REPORTS OF MEETINGS GENERAL MEETING 1529, 25TH APRIL, 1987 The party was given a very interesting guided tour of the Water Treatment Plant at Chigwell.