30 This is a very picturesque place, set on high ground with a large lake with many waterfowl, as well as all the settling tanks -for the puri- fication of the water. I was very surprised that chemicals are only used in the puri- fication process after very heavy rain. Our thanks to Essex, Water Board for an enjoyable visit. After lunch, taken outside the Camelot with liquids from inside the Camelot, we were joined by some more members and walked across the fields to Lambourne Church. An interesting church originally 12th century but much altered and extended at various times. After a break here and a look at the plants in the church- yard, back across the fields to the Camelot. It was a very pleasant, warm day after the cold winter, with spring flowers showing well. MAUREEN TOLLFREE GENERAL MEETING 1550, 9TH MAY, 1987 DAWN RED SQUIRREL COUNT, THETFORD FOREST It's the early bird, they say, that catches the worm. In our case, however, red squirrels were the quarry when a dozen members met at 6.00 a.m. on a fine May morning at the Forestry Commission Headquarters in Santon Downham, to take part in their annual red squirrel count. The drive to the allocated survey area was reminiscent of a car chase in an American