was out. Despite this, we returned home having had a most enjoyable, if somewhat tiring day. PETER LESWELL BIRD GROUP MEETING, MILL GREEN MOODS, 14TH JUNE, 1987 The fitteen members who met near "The Viper" this year were not to be blessed with a repeat of last year's good weather. By lunchtime the drizzle had turned to torrential rain and brought the meeting to a premature end. It had, however, been a pleasure to have Michael Parker again lead part of the walk around the area he has made his own. The migrant species were not quite so predom- inant this year, although Garden Warbler, Blackcap and Chiffchaff were present in small numbers. Whitethroat and the usually numerous and vocal Willow Warblers were absent. House Martins, Swallows, Swifts and a distant glimpse of a Spotted Flycatcher, plus the ever reliable Tree Pipit completed the tally. The latter was not at his usual haunt but had crossed the road to a tree on the edge of the Green. The Cuckoo was a very notable absentee. Resident species seen or heard brought the total to 34. Most worthy of mention amongst these was a Little Owl posing nicely in the same tree as last year. Great Spotted and Green Woodpecker and Nuthatch.