33 A further change in the area over the past few years is a marked decrease in the numbers of Linnets and Redpoll - none were seen this year. JOHN BATH BAT MEETING, 26TH JUNE, 1987 On June 26th, six members met in Maldon for the annual bat meeting. As an alternative to mist-netting, this year a visit was made to one of the largest Pipistrelle roosts in the country. Last year 1069 bats, including both adults and young, were counted and this year 903 adult females were seen - the visit being made before young bats were on the wing. The count took place over one and a quarter hours, with 400 bats emerging in one fifteen minute period. The stiff necks gained from looking skywards were well worthwhile, and to round off a successful meeting, two Brown Long-Eared Bats were seen in an outbuilding. Our thanks go to our hostess for providing both chairs and tea and biscuits! JOHN DOBSON