34 BIRD GROUP MEETING, SOUTHEND PIER, 6TH SEPTEMBER, 1987 This is probably the only Group meeting at which the members attending have out—numbered the birds seen! The venue was being visited for the first time but the combination of a high tide and a very strong westerly wind keeping birds out of the estuary made the morning very disappointing, walking to the end of the pier we saw only a Ione Tern, two Swallows and a few Cormorants and Gulls before being glad to retreat by the train to the warmth of the shore. JOHN BATH BIRDS, BOTANY AND FUNGI AT WRABNESS, 27TH SEPTEMBER, 1987 A small group of members enjoyed splendid weather during a walk along the south bank of the Stour, through Copperas Wood and finally through Stour Wood. Bird species observed were few as were flowering plants in bloom. Ar. enjoyable time was had examining the fungi and ferns in Stour Wood. Unfortunately both these woodlands have suffered severely in the recent hurricane. TONY BONIFACE