BIRD GROUP MEETING, ABBERTON RESERVOIR, 4TH OCTOBER, 1987 Six members gathered at the hide on a rather misty morning and were able to see several thousand Coot and small numbers of Mallard, Tufted Duck, Gadwall, Pochard and Shoveler. The only wader was a Common Sandpiper. From the nearby causeway we saw about forty Mute Swans, Great Crested Grebes and a Yellow Wagtail, while the western causeway revealed hundreds of Canada Geese and some Greylags and Barnacle Geese, Cormorants, a Common Gull and, the highlight of the day, two Little Stints stopping off on migration. Although this visit produced none of the rarities for which the reservoir is well known, readers may be interested to know of plans by the Naturalists' Trust, Water Company and Colchester Borough Council to upgrade the facilities for bird watchers, probably including the building of an Interpretive Centre. JOHN BATH RED LEG DISEASE OF COMMON FROGS AT MALDON On July 29th this year I visited the Plume Avenue area of Maldon where I had received reports of dying frogs. Four dead frogs were seen and two were taken alive but suffering