1 SPRING 1988 NUMBER 57 EDITORIAL The first half of the year has seen some notable sightings for our regular participants in field meetings. These have included for me smew, goosander and ruddy duck at Fishers Green, excellent views of hawfinches at Duck Wood, all three species of newts in Epping Forest, close up observations of nightingales at Friday Wood and Danbury, a goshawk and tree pipits in Thetford Forest, a vixen playing with her cub near Southend, and a wide range of plants near Great Maplestead including Dwarf Mallow (Malva neglecta) . It would be pleasing to meet more of our membership to share in our observations. We are pleased to report that our next Naturalist on Dragonflies is at the printing stage and should be distributed shortly. My thanks to Joanna Foley for the cover and to Sheila Leswell for doing the typing. Please let me have copy for the next edition by 1st October, 1988. TONY BONIFACE ISSN 0264-6730