13 incidence of Malaria were stationed in districts when Anopheles maculipennis was present. The infected soldiers then infected the mosquitoes who returned the compliment to other soldiers and so on. However these outbreaks were limited in size and were not sustained. It is always possible, especially with increased travel overseas that infected people will return or arrive in Britain with Malaria. The mosquito is innocently waiting in its breeding grounds to assist in transmission. P. A. SMITH (To be continued) THE HISTORY OF A GROUP OF FIELDS My story starts about 15 years ago when I noticed a rise in the soil about 20 yards wide and no more than two feet high across a field and also across the next -field. Presumably the -feature was older than the -fields. Only very recently did I read that it was a baulk or access road to the strips in an open -field. The strips were presumably at right angles to the baulk on both sides. I assume the baulk was -formed by using the plough to move the soil -from the strips to make the ridge. Conse- quently the land both sides was made lower and the depth of topsoil less which is very clear on one side especially, even today.