was soon recognised as the most important Natural History Society in the County and as one of the leading local Scientific Societies in the British Isles, a position it has ever since retained; and some of the most eminent scientific men of the day have been among its Presidents and Members. This position is due to the Club's continuous output of original scientific papers dealing with all phases of the zoology, botany, geology and pre-history of Essex; to its efforts for the maintenance of the rights of the public to the use of field-paths, commons and open spaces generally, and of Epping Forest in particular; and to its educational work in connection with its museums. For twenty years its headquarters were at Buckhurst Hill, but in 1900 they were removed to their present location in the then newly erected Essex Museum of Natural History in the Romford Road, Stratford, E.15. MEETINGS FIELD MEETINGS are held in different parts of the County as opportunities offer. They are vital features of the Club's work, provid- ing for the study, under expert guidance, of nature in the field, for the collection of specimens, for visits to places of pre-historic and antiquarian interest, and for scientific and social intercourse between the members. INDOOR MEETINGS are held in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the West Ham Municipal College, adjoining the Essex Museum of Natural History on the last Saturdays in October, November, January, February and March. They commence at 3 o'clock and are for the reading