22 miscellaneous pamphlets. MUSEUMS The Club has organised and is responsible for the curating of two local museums. One of these, The Epping Forest Museum, opened in 1895, is, by arrangement with the Corporation of the City of London, housed in the interest- ing old Tudor building known as "Queen Eliza- beth's Lodge" at Chingford. As its name implies it is devoted mainly to objects illust- rating the natural history, etc., of the Epping Forest district. The other and much larger museum, the Essex Museum of Natural History, opened in 1900, is contained in a special building, adjoining the West Ham Municipal College in the Romford Road, Stratford. It is a scientifically planned county museum, and the expenses of its maintenance, other than those of curating, are borne by the Borough of West Ham in accordance with an agreement between the Essex Field Club and the Corporation. LIBRARY The Club's Library now comprises some 5,500 volumes, dealing largely with the natural history, topography, geology and antiquities of Essex, but also including most of the standard works on botany, zoology, geology, etc. The Library is particularly rich in sets of publications of the Scientific Societies of the British Isles. Books may be borrowed by members at the ordinary meetings of the Club and also on any week day between the hours of 10 a.m. and