23 5 p.m. (Saturdays, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.). ELECTION OF MEMBERS, AND SUBSCRIPTION. Ordinary Members are elected by ballot at one of the meetings of the Club, on a certificate of recommendation signed by two existing members, one of whom must have personal knowledge of the candidate. The Subscription, payable on election and subsequently on the 1st January in each year, is £1 1s. Members elected in the last quarter of the year are not required to pay any subscription for that year. There is an Entrance Fee of 5s. The Life Composition in lieu of annual subscriptions is £10 10s. Two members of a family, resident in the same house, and willing to receive only one copy of the Club's journal between them pay a joint annual subscription of only 11/2 guineas. Honorary Members, limited to 25 and comprising persons eminent in Natural History or Archaeology or who have rendered special service to the Club, are elected upon recommendation of the Council. HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER Ladies and gentlemen wishing to become members of the Essex Field Club should communicate with the person from whom they received this pamphlet, or else write to the Hon. Secretary at the Essex Museum of Natural History, Romford Road, Stratford, E.15, who will be happy to forward any further