24 information required. Membership is open to any person interested in any branch o-f natural history or archaeology and desirous to extend his or her acquaintance with the subject; no other qualification than a love of nature is required." GLIMPSES OF THE PAST (2) Mr. J. A. Caldwell wrote to me to draw my attention to a letter from Henry Doubleday dated October 1st, 1873 published in the Essex Naturalist Vol. XXVII Part VIII Oct. 1943 - March 1944. Below follows an extract which illustrates the change in attitude to birds in this county over the last hundred years. It is a pity that the change does not seem to have occurred on continental Europe where so many wild birds are shot at the present time. "Two or three years ago you asked me to get you a pair of Missel Thrushes, which I did - there is a service tree in the field between forty and fifty yards from the garden and for the last week dozens of these thrushes have come after the berries - an invalid friend of mine is fond of these small birds when nicely cooked as she cannot take much food and yesterday I shot ten Missel thrushes, nine of which I sent to her. The other is such a very beautiful bird that I will send it to you in the morning -it is one of the finest specimens I ever saw - neither of the others was at all like it." TONY BONIFACE