26 Bird Haunts in Northern Britain. G. K. Yates 1958 £7.50 My Year with the Woodpeckers. H. Sielmann 1958 £10 Birds of the Ocean. W. B. Alexander 1938 £10 Plants Common British Fungi. Wakefield & Dennis 1950 £15 Common British Mosses. J. Bagnall 1886 British Flora. Bentham & Hooker 1943 ) Illustrations of the British Flora. ) W. Fitch & W. Smith. 1939 ) £15 Further Illustrations of British ) Plants. R. Butcher. 1944 > Observers Book of British Sedges and Rushes. W. Stokoe 1942 £1 Notes on the Blue-Green Algae. H. Wager 1914 Concise British Flora in Colour. W. Keble Martin. 1967 £7.50 Miscellaneous Essex. C. H. Warren 1950 £5 Epping Forest. W. Addison 1945 £7 Britain's Structure and Scenery. L. D. Stamp 1946 £20 London's Natural History. R. Fitter 1945 £20 The Seas. F. Russell 1949 £10 Moths and memories. P. Allan 1948 £4 A Moth Hunters Gossip. P. Allan 1947 £4 Talking of Moths. P. Allan 1944 £10