27 GLOW WORM RECORDS I am pleased to report a sighting of a single female glow worm glowing at Friday Wood, Colchester, on 28th June, 1985 sent in by R. D. Ruffell, who lives in Colchester. Please inform me of any other sightings in the county so that we can build up some information on their present distribution. TONY BONIFACE (Editor) AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES RECORDS 1987/88 I would like to thank all who have sent in records for these animals during the past year. Amphibian records are fairly strong, but reptiles seem to be declining, so I am especially keen to hear about these. The Common Lizard has suffered from road verge cutting in many places, and records come in from gardens, railway banks, and sea walls, as well as from the various county Nature Reserves. Please look out for these creatures this summer and drop me a note. D. R. SCOTT Court Hill, Church Lane, Little Leighs, Chelmsford, CM3 1P8 Tel. 0245 361475