28 SOME ORNITHOLOGICAL RECORDS 4.1.88 Shelduck (5) arrived N. Fambridge 12.1.88 Marsh Harrier N. Fambridge 17.1.88 60-100 Curlew at N. Fambridge and at least 200 Widgeon and Teal in same meadow as Curlew 7.3.88 Blackbird, full song, heard at Ingatestone. This is the same date as 1987 29.3.88 Chiff Chaff heard at N. Fambridge 3.4.88 Willow Warbler 4.4.88 Blackcap N. Fambridge 10.4.88 Swallow N. Fambridge 17.4.88 Cuckoo N. Fambridge J. Friedlein J. Friedlein J. Friedlein M. T. Parker J. Friedlein J. Friedlein J. Friedlein J. Friedlein I am grateful for these records, any records to me. Please send M. T. PARKER SECRETARY'S REPORT FOR 1987 1987 marked the election of a new President of the Club, Mr. John Dobson. Mr. Dobson chaired the four Council meetings held during the year. Membership fell again during 1987, the total at the end of December being 279.