MEMBERSHIP APPEAL Twenty-four subscriptions were still outstanding on 20th April, 1988. Reminders have already been sent out. Please help by paying your subscription promptly by 1st January each year. There are at present 18 Bankers' Orders still at the old rate - please amend your Order as soon as possible. M. T. PARKER REPORTS OF MEETINGS BOXING DAY RAMBLE, 1987 Twelve members and friends met at Havering Green on a slightly damp day. We walked way—marked footpaths along the northern boundary of Havering, from Havering—Atte-Bower to Noak Hill. Although so close to Rom-ford this is open country on high ground and has views one way over fields and the other way across a very built up area to the Thames and Kent Hills. We had to negotiate some trees which had blown down and we all added some inches to our height due to the ploughed up London clay. One hare was seen and some deer tracks; also although there were no flowers the mild weather had kept the foliage very green. A pleasant morning was had by all and I felt that by having a shorter meeting we