32 benefitted -from the best part of the day. Some of us also added to the Christmas cheer in one of the local hostelries. MAUREEN TOLLFREE A Reminder to Ramblers The following letter was received from a farming member with a plea to stick to footpaths. "1 Mascalls Cottages, Mascalls Lane, Brentwood, Essex. 30th January, 1988 Dear Sir, Last Boxing Day I joined the Field Club for a footpath ramble at Havering, which 1 know we all enjoyed. One point, however, did mar my day. A large part of the land over which we walked is farmed by a friend of mine. I believed, hopefully, he was away for Christmas, as I would not like to have met him then. With the exception of the first field, which was ploughed and had a wide, well-trodden, fieldside path, and the third field, which was newly sown but with an unmarked cross-field path, passage was marked through every other