33 field by all or most of us, with the exception of myself, not keeping to the footpath at the field edge, but walking wide on the crop, almost all of which was sown but not yet showing. The Field Club, being the senior naturalists' organisation in the county, ought to be setting a good example. I do, however, readily accept my fellow members are not aware of the damage they are doing to crops on the land where crops are to be grown. All of us who are gardeners are aware of the harm we do to soil by walking on it before we even prepare it for planting or sowing. Yours sincerely, David L. Bloomfield P.S. I hope, despite writing this letter, I shall still be welcome at meetings. I have taken the precaution of making sure my subscription is paid for this year." BIRD GROUP MEETING. FISHERS GREEN. 24TH JANUARY, 1988 Thirteen members assembled for the group meeting hoping to equal our own previous year's sightings. However, because of the unseasonably warm weather, no Long-eared Owls or Shrikes have been reported in the area.