34 We walked north along the flood channel, last year frozen and alive with Water Rails, which was living up to its name demonstrated by a pair of Coot floating along at about 10 m.p.h. We continued along a muddy path beside the River Lee to the Grebe Hide which is open to the public at weekends. After about half an hour we retraced our muddy steps back to the car park. The walk took us about 21/2 hours and 34 bird species were seen including Smew, Goosander, Ruddy Duck, Goldeneye, Kestrel and Long-tailed Tits. A pleasant, well-attended meeting, although the weather let us down as regards rarities. Let's hope it snows next year! ADRIAN VERNON BIRD GROUP MEETING. LANGENHOE/OLD HALL MARSHES 14TH FEBRUARY, 1988 Nine members met at the new venue, Langenhoe, in the hope of seeing Hen Harrier and Merlin. The weather was fine, clear and mild. We walked the northern footpath skirting the perimeter of the army ranges, constantly scanning the marshes. The route took us through a variety of habitats, namely pasture, hedgerows, woodland and finally marshland. A pair of Kestrels kept us on our toes as they tried to imitate Merlin. We stopped by