35 Fingringhoe Marsh and kept observation — finally one member caught a brief glimpse of a probable Merlin. Other birds seen included Brent Geese, Shelduck, Curlew, Redwing, Field-fare, Heron and Green Woodpecker. A strange, raptor—like call was heard -from a copse which was thought to be a Little Owl. At midday the weather was quite mild with even a heat-haze on the marsh. After lunch seven members drove to Salcott church and walked onto Old Hall Marsh. The weather became colder, but the group were rewarded with views of Corn Bunting, Redshank, Shelduck and a large flock of noisy Brent Geese. We stopped at the first main bend in the footpath and soon forgot the cold with the excitement of seeing a Short-eared Owl hunting at close quarters, followed by two Hen Harriers in the distance towards Mersea Island. As we walked back to the church we added Reed Bunting and Mute Swan to our list, making a grand total of 40 species for the day. ADRIAN VERNON GENERAL MEETING NO. 1356. DUCK WOOD, HAVERING. 28TH FEBRUARY, 1988 The Essex Field Club's visit to Duck Wood Nature Reserve took place as scheduled on 28th