36 February at 10 a.m. Twelve members and friends turned out on a cool, overcast day to tour the twenty-five acre ancient woodland reserve. Duck Wood and the area now known as Harold Hill was originally compulsorily purchased in 1948 by the L.C.C. to build the new housing estate. Duck Wood was then left as an area of open space. In 1987, Havering Borough Council concluded a twenty—five year management agreement with the London Wildlife Trust, who now manage the wood as a nature reserve. Colin Jupp, a local bird watcher who has studied the birds of the area for twelve years, was kind enough to lead the group on this occasion. About ten minutes and two hundred yards into the wood, Colin picked up the first Hawfinches, high in some tall Ash trees. Four or five were seen. Most members of the party had long range views of the birds on this occasion. Several of us saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Treecreeper at this stage; Nuthatches were also calling from the tree tops. We then walked around to the eastern edge, disturbing a flock of forty or fifty Greenfinches and several Chaffinches on the forest floor. Several members also caught a glimpse of a Lesser Spatted Woodpecker. We then wandered around to the area of small