37 ponds to the south—eastern end of the reserve, to be rewarded by brief views of seven or eight Hawfinches at the tops of the Hornbeams. Two Redwings were also viewed here. Walking into the centre of the wood, the time approaching midday, we were finally bade farewell by a pair of Hawfinches that sat and watched our departure, providing us all with the best views of the day. Our thanks go to Colin Jupp for locating the Hawfinches and thereby making such a success of the morning. D. A. SMITH GENERAL MEETING 1337. AMPHIBIANS IN EPPING FOREST. 17TH APRIL, 1988 Sixteen members and friends met at the Epping Forest Conservation Centre at 10.30. The weather was ideal - hazy sun, dry and moderately warm. The party drove in cars to Fairmead Pond, where we saw Common Toads mating and spawning in the middle of the pond. Counting was difficult at this distance, but at least ten pairs were present, others having already spawned due to the early season. Two Common Newts were netted, less than on previous visits, and two Common Frogs were seen at the pond margin. On the plant front it was good to see Water Soldier {Stratiotes aloides L.) growing out in the deeper water. This plant is recorded by Jermyn in nearby Warren Pond in