39 Great Crested Newts prefer the lower clay ponds. Common Newts appear to like either and are more widespread. The meeting ended with tea at the Conservation Centre. As we left the sun shone strongly and two Juvenile Common Lizards (Lacerta vivipara) were seen sunning themselves at the woodland margin behind the centre buildings. D. R. SCOTT BIRD GROUP MEETING, FRIDAY WOOD 24TH APRIL, 1988 Whilst it was a pleasant enough day, the meeting was rather disappointing for the 10 members attending in the small numbers of 'species seen or heard. The area has become rather too popular for trippers and dog walkers and their gain is the bird watchers loss. However, Nightingales were heard singing rather tentatively in three or four locations and seen once. Apart from this, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler and Chiff Chaff were the only warblers observed and other species included Jay, Mistle Thrush, Linnet, Yellow Hammer and Long Tailed Tit - 25 species in all. JOHN BATH