40 BIRD GROUP MEETING. DANBURY COMMON. 13TH MAY, 1988 For the small group of eight attending this proved to be a rewarding evening meeting. The weather was fine and the air was filled with bird song until after dusk. Song Thrush, Blackbird, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, Chiff Chaff and, best of all, several Nightingales in full song, including one unusually singing in full view of an open branch of a tree only yards from the car park. Twenty species in total werre seen. JOHN BATH BOTANY GROUP MEETING. GREAT MAPLESTEAD. 29TH MAY, 1988 Owing to the illness of Ken Adams the meeting was led by Tony Boniface and records were kept by Jeremy Ison, for the three squares involved. The morning started wet but had dried up by 11.00 a.m. After lunch a shower developed, followed by a period of longer rain. The group were invited into the church to climb the tower and see the clock wound. We reached the newly leaded roof and admired the view. We listed the plants in the churchyard, unfortunately cut far too early in the season. A specimen of Shining Cranesbill