43 BIRD GROUP MEETING. DAWN CHORUS, MILL GREEN. 11TH JUNE, 1988 Three intrepid members met outside the Cricketers at 3.15 a.m. on a breezy and very chilly morning. The first bird to break the silence was a Song Thrush at 3.50, followed by a Blackbird at 3.52, Yellow Hammer at 3.54, Willow Warbler at 3.58, Greenfinch at 4.01, Wren at 4.02, Robin at 4.03 and Starling at 4.10, at which time the first birds were seen flying. Wood Pigeon followed at 4.13, Whitethroat at 4.25 and Crow and Magpie at 4.30, at which time the chorus began to subside. Whilst several species had been in full song there had not been the overall volume of sound one expects, but perhaps this was due to the miserable weather — oh well — home to bed! JOHN BATH