1 AUTUMN 1988 NUMBER 38 EDITORIAL After editing seventeen editions of the Bulletin, I feel it is time to hand over to someone else. So if you feel that you would like to improve it, now is your chance to volunteer to produce the next one. Actually the amount of work required is not very great as Sheila Leswell types the copy ready to be printed by Boudica Press in Chelmsford. I would like to thank all the members of the Club who have responded to my requests and written the articles and drawn the illustrations, with a special thank you to Dr. Joanna Foley who produced so many beautiful drawings to adorn the covers. This edition looks like being a bumper Christmas effort and I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed putting it together. Copy for the next edition to my successor through me or our most competent typist Sheila Leswell. Thank you again. TONY BONIFACE ISSN 0264-6730