6 REPORT ON THE "FOUR SEASONS PROJECT" HELD AT SOUTH WEALD COUNTRY PARK, BRENTWOOD. Summary In this project four different adjacent habitats were examined in South Weald Country Park during the four seasons of 1987 (Fig. 1). Unlike many other Field Club meetings, no attempt was made to study a single species, group or factor. The aims of these meetings were to obtain a background picture of a range of habitats as whole units, and to gain an appreciation of each community with its interrelated pieces, fitting together like a giant jigsaw. The results could then act as a broadsheet for any detailed work carried out at a later date. The relationships between the individual members of each habitat at first appeared rather rigid; classic habitat types with obvious dominant flora and a range of associated flora and fauna. However, subsequent visits showed an essential fluidity existed with each element related to the prevailing habitat conditions, but adapted to changes that occurred through the year. Owing to the timing of the four meetings the most obvious developments were those related to seasonal variations with the whole appearance of each habitat changing. However, sudden dramatic changes, including grass cutting in the meadow and the dramatic October storms, illustrated the delicate balance that exists in these complex communities.