8 in Weald Country Park (map ref. TQ 564948), which was part of the Weald Hall estate for over 450 years. It is now owned and managed by Essex County Council who allowed this study to take place. Each area was examined on the following days:- April 26th, 1987 July 5th, 1987 October 11th, 1987 January 31st, 1988 2. Preliminary Survey Preliminary observations were made in each area noting the floral structure and principal components and then some biotic and abiotic habitat factors were considered. Photographs were taken at each site throughout the year, and proved to be a useful record, especially following the devastation of the October storms. 5. Results 3.1. Floral Structure Area 1 Quicks Plantation: planted in 1961 with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), European larch (Larix decidua) and underplanted with beech (Fagus sylvatica). The shrub and field layers are essentially absent. This is mainly due to the dense canopy that occurs for much of the year. The light is significantly reduced by the conifers and in summer this is com- pounded, when the beeches are in full leaf, by