The pond was fairly open, bordered by some
young silver birch (B. pendula) within the
bankside zone; some soft rush (Juncus
effusus) and lesser pond sedge (Carex
acutiformis) were also recorded. However,
the sides of the pond were quite steep in all
but small sections, allowing few classic border
plants to flourish. Similarly no rooted
plants were recorded. Some pondweed (Elodea
sp.), together with the liverwort Riccia
fluitans and some algal filaments were netted,
but the only common plant observed was the
floating duckweed (Lemna minor) which in
midsummer covered most of the pond surface.
Unfortunately the water was not examined for
microscopic algae.
Area 4
A marshland site, within a managed grassland
area. The water table has been low for the
last few years and the area was drying out and
the margins receding. However, in 1987 the
level was somewhat higher again and the marsh
is re—establishing itself. The adjacent
grassland was generally moist and this was
reflected in the type of flora such as lady's
smock (Cardamine pratensis) which occurred
together with the more usual meadow grasses
such as Timothy (Phleum pratense), Poa
pratensis and P. annua.
The marshland area itself had standing water at
or just below soil level — especially in the
central areas - in all but the driest months.
The distribution of floral types was seen to
correlate well with the apparent degree of soil