mixing with lower layers, together with the vegetation, suggested an acid soil. (b) The soil under the deciduous woodland also showed no apparent gleying at the sites exam- ined. A more typical brown earth occurred with a 12 cm organic mull layer merging into a mixed layer some 15 cm deep, with a lower horizon of heavy yellow/brown clay. Soil organisms, including earthworms, were abundant in the upper layers. (c) In the marsh area there was no topsoil/ subsoil horizons apparent. The profile was some 36 cm deep and throughout a homogenous gleyed brown/grey clay occurred, with some mottling apparent as the iron salts occurred in the ferric and reduced ferrous forms as a consequence of temporary water logging. (The profile, dug in April, quickly filled with water on this occasion.) pH Unfortunately soil acidity was not measured, but generally the sites were mildly acid as indicated by the species present. The pond water was tested with indicator paper (the reading was later checked) and was between 4 and 5 throughout the year. This represents a high concentration of hydrogen ions and quite an acidic environment. This may be one reason why the number of plant and animal species has been rather low. Biotic Factors The composition of the flora is also influenced